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When Sir Wilfrid speaks with Vole's German wife Christine, he finds her rather cold and self-possessed, but she does provide an alibi, although it is not entirely convincing. He is greatly surprised when, during the trial, she is summoned as a witness by the prosecuting barrister.
O'Connor was the only member of the original Broadway play's cast to reprise her role in the film.[citation needed] Vivien Leigh was considered for the role of Christine Vole.[5] Laughton based his performance on Florance Guedella, his own lawyer, an Englishman who was known for twirling his monocle while cross-examining witnesses.[2]
This is one of the best \"trial movies\" ever made. It's an outstanding film that is just as good today as it was almost 50 years ago when it was released in the theaters. The shocking ending caused quite a stir back then, too.The only part of the movie I thought looked dated and unrealistic was Tyrone Power's character being able to interrupt the trial with outbursts and not be reprimanded for it. There is no way that would be tolerated, at least today.Otherwise, it's a pretty solid film with a good cast that includes two fascinating characters played by actors who know how to entertain: Charles Laughton and Marlene Dietrich. Laughton, who plays Power's defense attorney, grabs the spotlight in the story but Dietrich almost steals the movie in her role as Power's wife. Laughton's dialog is terrific throughout, bringing a number of laughs to this serious film. He's just a joy to watch. Dietrich is even more riveting but just doesn't have anywhere near the same amount of screen time as Laughton.Not to be overlooked is Elsa Lanchester, playing Laughton's nurse. She, too, demonstrates her comedic talent and significantly adds to the fun of watching this film.If you like some fine drama, storyline twists, a little humor thrown in and great acting and dialog, this is a classic film to check out.
That's a quotation from the film and what you'll say at the conclusion. I saw it the first time 36 years ago back when network TV ran old movies late at night, and I'd never even heard of it. I thought it was a Hitchcock film with all of the unexpected twists, but no, the director was Billy Wilder. How surprised I was to see Wilder do Hitchcock better than Hitchcock ever could! The set-up is this - Leonard Vole (Tyrone Power) is an inventor that is having trouble getting his inventions to market. He befriends a wealthy older woman, one Emily French. She is obviously flirting with him, and Vole, though married, flirts back, his objective being that maybe she will financially back one of his inventions. Then disaster strikes. Emily French is found murdered. Vole is an obvious suspect because Mrs. French has just changed her will and left everything to Vole. There is circumstantial evidence pointing to Vole, and he says he knows nothing about the will. Enter barrister Sir Wilfred, the finest in England, whose doctor has told him he must quit work and go on a vacation because of his heart condition. Sir Wilfred talks to Vole, believes his story, and also talks to his wife, Christine (Marlene Dietrich) who backs up Leonard's story but comes across as somewhat cold to her husband's peril. Sir Wilfred is convinced to take the case and agrees to retire upon this last trial. Past that I cannot tell you any details or I'll ruin it for you.Everyone in the cast performs masterfully. Especially charming is the interaction between Laughton's character and his nurse played by his wife of then 28 years, Elsa Lanchester. They go back and forth at each other with Nurse Pimsoll insisting that Sir Wilfred keep his rigid schedule of medications and him treating her like a jailer with hilarious one liners at the poor woman's expense. Only a long married couple could do this feature length banter so well. If Nightmare Alley didn't convince you that Tyrone Power was more than a pretty face, this film will. Likewise, Marlene Dietrich is much more than a blue angel and a fine figure of a woman at age 56.Notice all of the little touches. How Sir Wilfred seems to be ignoring testimony in court by counting out his pills, only to stand up and ask insightful questions when his turn comes. Plus this film really shows that nothing is off the record, even if the judge says that it is - the jury hears and sees everything. Sir Wilfred plays on that fact.Great acting, great direction, great story - it doesn't get any better than this. Thus I give this a solid 10/10. And one irony - Power's character mentions several times about Sir Wilfred's heart, but it is Tyrone Power himself who will be dead of a heart attack by the end of the following year. Sadly, this is his last completed film.
I love it when a movie captivates me, carries me along, then surprises me at the end. This is a masterpiece of human maneuvering. It has outstanding acting and a plot to die for. This is a fairly pedestrian Agatha Christie short story. I'm not saying it's not a wonderful story, just that it doesn't come to life like it does on the screen. Charles Laughton is the wonder barrister who is taking the case, even though he is in poor health. The murder case seems a relatively simple one until we begin to trip over the many layers left lying on the path. Marlene Dietrich does a masterful job in all her roles (I won't say anymore than that so I don't spoil the ending). Tyrone Power is able to balance his pathos and his potential guilt. The beauty of the movie is that it never takes itself too seriously. There are some modestly funny subplots and a great deal of careful investigation. I guarantee you that once you start watching, you won't be able to turn it off.
This tutorial, put together by WITNESS, walks you through how to download and export your chat messages, videos, photos, and other media from WhatsApp along with basic metadata. Since WhatsApp is a closed platform, we have to use its own built-in tools to access, download, and export the content.
You can also set WhatsApp up to auto-download using mobile data, using Wi-Fi, when roaming, or not at all; you can also select what kind of messages you want to auto-download (in WhatsApp Settings > Data and Storage Usage). Auto-download will save incoming media to your Android and keep it available within the app. By default, photos are set to auto-download unless you turn it off.
As a workaround to this limitation, you can export the chat history without media, which will result in a smaller file size, and download media files separately via the WhatsApp desktop or web app. When exported without media, the text of the exported chat history will not include the media filenames. However, you can match up media downloaded in the desktop or web app with its place in the chat history by the time and date.
You can download media selectively by simply selecting it within WhatsApp, or you can set WhatsApp up to auto-download using WiFi, or Wifi and Cellular data (in WhatsApp Settings > Data and Storage Usage), which will automatically save all incoming photos, audio, videos, and/or documents to your iPhone and keep it available within the app.
Congratulations! Now you should now have safely exported your entire chat history along with videos and images. Go to the end of this tutorial to read about how to further preserve these files securely. For those interested in more information concerning storage options for your exports download this tipsheet.
Congratulations, you have successfully downloaded, exported, or in some instances deleted, your WhatsApp content! The next step is to safely preserve your exported content to ensure it is not altered, corrupted, misplaced, or deleted, and to make sure your information is secure. 153554b96e