XE2 13
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The X-E3 feels like a true successor by comparison. It incorporates the latest technology found on the X-Pro2, X-T2 and X-T20 including the advanced hybrid autofocus system, the 3rd generation X-Trans sensor and 4K video among other things. Fujifilm even decided to include some minor features that are yet to be seen on other X-series models.
Ethics statement: The information supplied in this article is based on official specifications and our personal experience with Fujifilm cameras. If we get the chance to test the two cameras side-by-side, we will publish a full comparison. We were not asked to write anything about these cameras, nor were we provided with any sort of compensation. Within the article, there are affiliate links. If you decided to buy something after clicking the link, we will receive a small commission. To know more about our ethics, you can visit our full disclosure page. Thank you!
A similar trend applies to the autofocus system. The X-E3 features the same areas as the flagship cameras with 91 hybrid points. 49 of these are phase detection and the rest are contrast detection areas. These points can be subdivided into a 325 grid (13 x25) in certain focus modes.
The AF area modes are more flexible on the X-E3 with a choice of single point (six sizes available), Zone AF with three different options (3×3, 5×5 or 7×7 grids), Wide Tracking and ALL (change the area modes by rotating the rear command dial). On the X-E2 the single points has 5 sizes. Zone AF works on a 5×5 grid but when using continuous AF and the high burst mode, you are limited to a 3×5 area.
Face and Eye detection is found on both cameras. It works with the phase detection sensors for more accurate results on the X-E3 while the X-E2 only uses contrast detection. On the new camera you will also find the AF-C Custom Settings: 5 sets are available depending on the type of subject you are tracking.
Having tested and compared the new and old autofocus systems for my in-depth X-T1 and X-T2 comparison (visit the article here), I can already say that the X-E3 will provide more versatility and accuracy thanks to the higher number of points and area modes. Furthermore, the AF algorithm is the most advanced to date which means that the gap could be even more relevant. That being said, the old system of the X-E2 is not bad, especially if you mount the most recent lenses from the brand that feature a fast inner focus mechanism.
Thanks to the faster processing speed, the X-E3 gains better continuous shooting speeds and buffer capabilities. It can record up to 8fps with the mechanical shutter or up to 14fps with the electronic shutter. In both cases, Continuous AF is available. If you choose the Low mode, the speed goes down to 5fps but you get live view with blackouts.
Both cameras feature an electronic shutter option with a silent mode and an increased shutter speed of up to 1/32000s (the default is 1/4000s on both). The faster sensor readout of the X-E3 should ensure less rolling shutter than its predecessor.
Below you can see two comparison videos: one in 4K between the X-T2 and X-T20 that should give you a good idea of how the X-E3 compares to the flagship camera, and a second in 1080p between the X-T1 and X-T2 that gives you a good preview of how the new camera compares to its predecessor for Full HD recording.
There are fewer settings and options available on the previous camera. The minimum ISO for the X-E2 in video mode is 400 while the X-E3 can use the entire native sensitivity range. The new camera also allows you to control highlights/shadows and has a dedicated video mode accessible from the Drive button.
The X-E2 has a larger 0.5-inch EVF with 2,360k dots, 0.62x of magnification and a 23mm eyepoint. The panel on the X-E3 is smaller (0.39-in) and has a shorter eyepoint of 17.5mm but the magnification is the same. Time-lag is the same on both at 0.005s.
Neither camera has a tilting LCD screen but on the X-E3, there is the welcome addition of touch sensitivity. You can use it to take a picture, move the focus point or swipe through your images in playback mode. A new option called Touch Function allows you to recall presets by swiping in four different directions, which is a virtual substitute for the physical 4-way pad. You can also move the focus point while composing with the EVF and choose if you want touch sensitivity across the entire screen or just on the left or right side.
Fujifilm likes to design small and compact cameras. Even with all the technical improvements, the X-E3 is smaller than its predecessor by almost 8mm (width) and becomes the most compact interchangeable lens camera with a viewfinder from the brand. It gains something in depth, however, due to the grip (plus 5mm).
The X-E3 weighs just a little less than the X-E2 (350g vs 337g including the battery and memory card). Another change is the re-profiled handgrip which is now a little deeper and features a simpler shape.
There are some interesting updates concerning the button and dial layout of the new camera, especially on the rear where we see the welcome addition of an AF Joystick but surprisingly the omission of the classic 4-way directional pad. The touch screen can be used to activate functions while the joystick has taken over the menu navigation.
Unsurprisingly the X-E3 also received the new menu system found on all third-generation Fujifilm cameras, which is more well-organised and includes the useful My Menu page. There is a new setting in the screen set-up that allows you to activate a highlight warning in live view mode.
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During a conversation with Hardwareluxx's editor, Andreas Schilling, Intel's Tom Peterson stated that the GPU division had a lot to learn from the first generation Arc GPU codenamed Alchemist. The first generation had a Xe architecture that scaled across the data center, discrete gaming, & integrated graphics solutions. Each sub-segment needs to be optimized according to the platform they are being aimed at and that's a complicated process.
With Intel's upcoming Xe2 architecture, a similar methodology is being applied with two different chip designs, the Xe2-HPG for discrete graphics and the Xe2-LPG for integrated solutions. But the company states that during its 2nd generation, Intel will have less trouble as they did with the 1st gen Alchemist GPUs and they are further planning to streamline down the path when Celestial or Xe3 GPUs hit shelves.
T think in hindsight we would have been better off have we rigorously said "you know what, we're gonna give up something", like give up some differentiation in the high end or we are going to have some overhead in the low end. We're gonna just have one thing and it goes everywhere unmodified. Thats more the strategy we are looking at going forward. And thats because, thats really the only way to get IP reused to really work.
Furthermore, during a recent interview with Raja Koduri, the chief architect of Intel's GPU division confirmed that there were certain obstacles when making their first generation Arc GPUs and that those are launched now so making the next generation GPUs, aka Xe2 Battlemage and Xe3 Celestial, will be much easier.
Raja also focuses on getting more out of the existing Alchemist lineup with optimized drivers, and more cards at different (affordable) price points over the next 12 months. So it looks like we will see more Arc Alchemist action before we get Arc Battlemage GPUs which are likely going to ship in 2024.
Imagine that you want to make a new car, it itself is very challenging, but imagine there were no roads to drive on so you also had to build roads and cars at the same time so that's the difficulty of Intel making GPU. So that's what we went through.
A lot of plans, not just where we are going to take Arc, first getting more Arc to you, get more of you to experience Arc, get it more form factors, get it more versions of Arc that are even more affordable to you over the next 12 months, so a lot!
Raja Koduri has already previously confirmed that the work on Battlemage GPUs is ongoing on both the hardware and software sides. It was clearly mentioned that some of the software side moved to Battlemage but the majority will still be optimizing existing Arc Alchemist GPUs.
Intel's Arc GPUs are slowly but surely getting back into the game. The updates that we saw today show that the blue team is committed to improving its GPU ecosystem for the client segment and we can expect even better updates in the coming months.
The relay XE2 of the easy PROFESSIONAL LINE is used for supervision of the exciter current. By the exciter current element the direct current of the excitation machine in brushless machines is supervised. The protection function includes detection of overcurrent and undercurrent as well as supervision of the ripple component of the exciter current and so faults of the rotating diodes would be revealed.
XF35mmF2 R WR / XF90mmF2 R LM WR / XF10-24mmF4 R OIS / XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR / XF18-55mmF2.8-4 R LM OIS / XF18-135mmF3.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR / XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR / XF55-200mmF3.5-4.8 R LM OIS / XF100-400mmF4.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR / XC16-50mmF3.5-5.6 OIS II / XC50-230mmF4.5-6.7 OIS II
< Note > The settings of items below before the firmware version up are not stored and set to default. ISO / FILM SIMULATION / FILM SIMULATION BKT / SELECT CUSTOM SETTING > ISO , FILM SIMULATION / MOVIE MODE / EVF CRIGHTNESS / LCD CRIGHTNESS / Fn (Function) BUTTON SETTING and so on.
Focus Peak Highlight is a focus-aiding function that highlights the outlines of areas that have high subject contrast. The firmware allows users to select Blue or Red in addition to the current White to highlight the areas of strong contrast. The strength of the color display can be also adjusted between High and Low according to the type of your subject or your personal preference. 2b1af7f3a8
Intriguing tech approach! StartupNoon readers would appreciate how this function could revolutionize visual concentration and productivity. Clever way to guide attention.